Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lizzy wants a dog

I think we can guess who is going to be picking up the poops in our house!

- Riz and Lich


  1. OMG I died laughing.

  2. I love the fact that you say diarreah multiple times, and now it's on the world wide web. And Liz is right to want a dog regardless. The joy you get back is exponential. Dogs made me and Bobby's mnarriage so much happier - we had no idea!

  3. I am peeing my pants! This is beautiful.

  4. AMAZINGLY HILAR. Feel free to swing by if you want to pick up our dog's poo too...

  5. Thanks for some incredible entertainment! You reminded me why I don't go to doggie parks. You can use a shovel, (and even let it dry out if necessary) at your own house! Of course Jeff takes care of the dog poop around here anyway.

  6. Best video i've seen in a long time :)
